Registration for Summertimes 2025 is now open!

Finding Us

Summertimes camps and classes are located at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School (SSSAS) in Alexandria, Virginia. The school consists of three distinct campuses, so please make sure that you note at which campus the camp is being held and in what building. When you arrive on campus, there will be signs to direct you to your camp’s drop-off location.

Lower School Campus

400 Fontaine Street
Alexandria, VA 22302

Middle School Campus

4401 West Braddock Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22304

Upper School Campus

1000 St. Stephen’s Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22304

Drop Off & Pick Up

The safety of your child is our number one priority at drop-off and pick-up. Each camper is issued a carpool placard, and camp staff ensure that campers are picked up only by persons authorized to do so by the camper’s parent or guardian.

Intercampus Shuttles

Do you have children in Summertimes programs at different campuses the same week? No problem! Our intercampus shuttle offers parents the flexibility of one drop-off and pick-up location. Please sign up your child for the intercampus shuttle during the registration process. Extended Care campers are automatically registered for the intercampus shuttle if their camp is located at the Middle School or Upper School campuses.

Visiting Our Campuses

Visitors are permitted at Summertimes for specific events, such as performances and championship games. Your child’s camp program will notify you if there is an event during the camp day that you may attend. If you need to come onto campus during the camp day for any other reason, please contact the Summer Programs Office at 703-212-2777 or email