Registration for Summertimes 2025 is now open!

Math and sports – all in one camp!

Are you a budding engineer who loves to solve puzzles and play logic games? Do you also like to play outside? Join us for Mathletics Camp! We will introduce new strategies to build number sense and mathematical fluency, and we will reinforce these skills with fun and engaging games and activities each day such as Mancala, Dominos, Shut the Box, Rush Hour, Chocolate Fix, and Pentago. Then we’ll give our brains a rest to play games outside including kickball, basketball, and free play!

Mathletics Camp is is directed by Ms. Maura Freund, an SSSAS Lower School faculty member. If you have any questions about this camp, please reach out to Ms. Freund at

Registration Now Open!

Enroll Now!

At a Glance

Tuition: $475 Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Campus: Lower School Drop Off/Pick up: Macan Circle

2025 Program Dates

Week 5: July 14 - 18 Week 6: July 21 - 25

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